Imagine you were no longer able to look after your financial affairs, or, less dramatically, simply found it an increasing burden to manage your money. How easy would it be for a trusted family member to step in and help you? There are many reasons why you might find it more difficult to manage your […]
Author Archives: adminfp
Most would be aware that all stock markets took a serious fall over Monday and Tuesday this week. The majority of analysts have taken this fall as a correction after a couple of very strong months and believe it had to happen. I agree a correction was always in the making but share prices are […]
The short answer is ‘yes’, but only up to a point. People in richer countries are, collectively, happier than people in poor countries. Within countries, people with higher incomes are generally happier than people on low incomes. Surprisingly, once basic living needs are met, the amount of happiness gained from each additional dollar of income […]
Another year has swiftly vanished into history. How were the past 12 months for you? Did you make the changes you’d planned or did your resolve for something different last year peter out by February? Don’t worry, there’s another 12 months ready and waiting for you! If you’re not happy with the way your life […]